Park Bench Tales and other writings

Thoughts and writings reflecting the poet within and the activist

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Moment of Madness

Moment of madness

I can still hear her laugh through the thin cold air

I remember how her soft voice comforted me

My head upon her shoulder and seeking to rest

Holding hands in the movies on a Saturday night

The hug and the kiss before the midnight chime

How she looked at me and said she was mine

Beneath a full moon we talked of life together

By the camp fire at night we cuddled close

She bought me socks I gave her flowers

As the weeks went by our hearts beat as one

What could go wring if our love was that strong

Why did the fool in me throw all this away

For a pretty face with ephemeral temptation

Blood rushed to my head and drowned common sense

A summer of love lost in one night of passion

A few crazy hours with nothing to gain

Tomorrow she would not even remember my name

Logic and reason were burned at the stake

I came early but that was too late

I’d thrown out my future and sealed my fate

An unfaithful act with a forbidden return

Now wallowing in self-pity will I ever learn

Copyright: David Hopcroft April 2024