Park Bench Tales and other writings

Thoughts and writings reflecting the poet within and the activist

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The Unusual Zoo

The Unusual Zoo

Shall we go and visit the zoo today

Said the curious giraffe to the half-asleep kangaroo

We can call in to the gazelle along the way

And let the penguins know they can come too

They have added so many more since we came last year

They captured new ones from all over the earth

We keep them in large cages so there is no need to fear

If you are really lucky you might even see a live birth

The albino ones claim they are superior and truly indigenous

They do make strange noises and like to gesticulate

We feed them on leftovers since they are omnivorous

There are some noisy ones that sound rather inarticulate

We saved them from extinction but they showed no appreciation

They had seemed so intent on setting the world on fire

When it came to other species they showed no consideration

Intelligence was something they found hard to acquire

Can you see that one wearing a large red cap

Shouting at the others that he saved them all

Some seem to believe him but we know it’s just crap

When he claims he is the one who built the perimeter wall

We found ruins of structures they had built and destroyed

Observing these artefacts we made a deduction

Carnage and killing seemed to be what they enjoyed

They never trusted each other and thrived on corruption

There is talk of rewilding humans but I find that disturbing

I’d rather that they were domesticated and tamed

They tried a release once but it just isn’t working

The way they treat each other they should be ashamed

Humans you know were once on their way to extinction

But were also intent on destroying all of the other creatures

As if they were infected by some suicidal affliction

Now if they are to survive other animals must be the teachers

Copyright: David Hopcroft September 2023


Sugar Morning

Sugar Morning

Wandering through the many chasms in my mind

I can recount the numerous occasions that others were kind

So I celebrate that somewhere hidden in a gene

There may really be one that isn’t kind of mean

A gene that prompts to say ‘Thank You’ and ‘Hello’

A greeting to those you meet and do not know

Just a few words to put a smile upon a face

That says ‘You know we are both part of this human race’

The gene that prompts one to go the extra mile

The message you send to say you are not hostile

The moment you step aside and say ‘After you’

Or open the door and say ‘Please go through’

The simple gestures are often those that matter most

Remembering to send that birthday card in the post

Just a little thought can make another’s day

Why not try this and make a start today

Copyright: David Hopcroft September 2023

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The day the phone broke

The day the phone broke

Lois awoke sunlight streaming in and was puzzled at first

She remembered setting the alarm perhaps she missed the tone

She swiped to the left with her finger and then cursed

Swiped again but the screen remained black on the phone

Two more swipes and now she began to fear the worst

The phone was broken and suddenly she felt all alone

She gasped and panic began to set in as her world fell apart

How would she know if she had new followers and more likes

Now terrified Lois felt the increase in the beat of her heart

What would happen to those messages sent to her in the night

Would she lose all her photos if she attempted a restart

The tears flooded from her eyes as hope began to take flight

Now she was fearful of what HE might think if she was not there

What if that special photo he had asked for did not appear

How could she post knowing she had no more pictures to share

Now she felt completely terrified and trapped in her own sphere

Her life was beginning to crumble leaving her in a state of disrepair

Her whole existence and meaning in a moment seemed to disappear

She dressed and went outside to stamp about on the lawn

Crushing dandelions and daisies without a second thought

This was the first time she had stepped into the garden at dawn

She noticed a silvery web where a wasp had been caught

There was a fragrance in the air to which she was drawn

Pink and white sweet peas climbing canes for support

She took a walk by the canal to help her pass the time

Suddenly she was startled by a voice that said ‘Hello’

She looked away very quickly as if it were a crime

To respond to a real live person that you really did not know

This was an invitation from a stranger and she had to decline

She hurried along quickly deciding it was time to go

Walking a little further an old couple stopped to say ‘Hi’

Asking her ever so politely ‘How is your day going?’

They were surprised when she responded a tear in her eye

Yet a few moments later her confidence was growing

She quickly forgot about the phone that had decided to die

Within minutes she was part of a conversation that was flowing

A narrow boat passed by and they talked about the history

The days of king cotton how the wakes weeks held pride

Their words were kindly spoken with an air of felicity

The couple had a boat at the marina ‘Would she like a ride?’

She agreed feeling the excitement of exploring a mystery

A trip with her new friends who were going to act as a guide

Her phone was repaired but Lois continued to walk

Each day as she walked she seemed to find a new friend

Lois had found real people with whom she could talk

More meaningful than text messages that came to an end

She had entered the beauty of a new world without the orc

Where the people were real and Lois did not have to pretend

Copyright: David Hopcroft September 2023