Park Bench Tales and other writings

Thoughts and writings reflecting the poet within and the activist

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The Unusual Zoo

The Unusual Zoo

Shall we go and visit the zoo today

Said the curious giraffe to the half-asleep kangaroo

We can call in to the gazelle along the way

And let the penguins know they can come too

They have added so many more since we came last year

They captured new ones from all over the earth

We keep them in large cages so there is no need to fear

If you are really lucky you might even see a live birth

The albino ones claim they are superior and truly indigenous

They do make strange noises and like to gesticulate

We feed them on leftovers since they are omnivorous

There are some noisy ones that sound rather inarticulate

We saved them from extinction but they showed no appreciation

They had seemed so intent on setting the world on fire

When it came to other species they showed no consideration

Intelligence was something they found hard to acquire

Can you see that one wearing a large red cap

Shouting at the others that he saved them all

Some seem to believe him but we know it’s just crap

When he claims he is the one who built the perimeter wall

We found ruins of structures they had built and destroyed

Observing these artefacts we made a deduction

Carnage and killing seemed to be what they enjoyed

They never trusted each other and thrived on corruption

There is talk of rewilding humans but I find that disturbing

I’d rather that they were domesticated and tamed

They tried a release once but it just isn’t working

The way they treat each other they should be ashamed

Humans you know were once on their way to extinction

But were also intent on destroying all of the other creatures

As if they were infected by some suicidal affliction

Now if they are to survive other animals must be the teachers

Copyright: David Hopcroft September 2023

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Step on the gas

Burn up the road

We’re climate deniers

Getting our octane thrill

Traveling down that high speed highway

To meet our chosen fate

Baby We’re on the road to extinction

Yeah On the road to extinction

We’re daredevil petrol heads so hold on tight

Pumping those shining pistons day and night

Driving through the red lights on the way to hell

Praying to the god who drilled the oil well

Step on the gas

Burn up the road

We’re climate deniers

Getting our octane thrill

Traveling down that high speed highway

To meet our chosen fate

Baby We’re on the road to extinction

Yeah On the road to extinction

Now we’re going down the lemming highway

Full throttle babe we’re doing this my way

We’ve a date with Lucifer we can’t stop now

On our way to that oil heaven we took the vow

Step on the gas

Burn up the road

We’re climate deniers

Getting our octane thrill

Traveling down that high speed highway

To meet our chosen fate

Baby We’re on the road to extinction

Yeah On the road to extinction

Honey come make our date on the Interstate

We’re running out of time so don’t be late

You can smell the rubber as we accelerate

We need the octane fix to medicate

Step on the gas

Burn up the road

We’re climate deniers

Getting our octane thrill

Traveling down that high speed highway

To meet our chosen fate

Baby We’re on the road to extinction

Yeah On the road to extinction

Where there’s congestion we’ll laying the asphalt

We call it progress Greens call it an assault

There’s a rabbit in the headlamps he’s waving a red flag

Just put the pedal to the metal honey we’ll hit the drag

Step on the gas

Burn up the road

We’re climate deniers

Getting our octane thrill

Traveling down that high speed highway

To meet our chosen fate

Baby We’re on the road to extinction

Yeah On the road to extinction

And it’s too late to hesitate

Copyright: David Hopcroft August 2023

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Who needs AI for extinction?

Who needs AI for extinction?

Drill baby drill For years we heard the cry

Oil is going to be our road to paradise

A world where everybody should be able to drive a car

Jet engines will whisk people to places faraway

Diesel engines are now belching smoke along our motorways

What is it now that the politician says

Drill baby drill we just want some more

We make plastic this plastic that and plastic most anything

Bright packaging that can just be thrown away as litter

Plastic bags are decorating roadside trees

Polystyrene blowing across gardens and fields

Discard your rubbish in a land of throwaway

Drill baby drill the politician makes the cry

Day by day emissions are mounting

The red flag for danger was raised long ago

We passed the safety limit but we don’t give a damn

Let’s celebrate our life on this fossil-fuel island

Keep drilling baby Nothing can stop us now

Coral bleached lives lost but we looked the other way

Now the wildfires are burning every day

Forest are being cut down without a second thought

Wars can be fought over grain supplies and drought

Through the choking smoke something catches my eye

A politician waving a flag makes the cry

Drill baby drill the wells will not run dry

Copyright: David Hopcroft July 2023