Park Bench Tales and other writings

Thoughts and writings reflecting the poet within and the activist

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Mary 1

Mary 1

Mary is in the centre Suzy is on the wing

Suzy knocks it over and Mary heads it in

They sang from the terraces every Saturday afternoon

Celebrating every goal with the catchy tune

They were the heroes of the local soccer team

But under the surface things were not as they seem

They won a bright silver trophy every year

Rode upon an open bus to hear the cheer

Suzy can remember every goal in every game

Mary remembers too but at times forgets her name

Both of them were skilled to become international stars

Celebrated their success drove around in expensive cars

When they displayed their skills they caused a stir

Though Mary sometimes wondered where they were

They retired after winning a hundred international caps

Now Mary’s memory appears to have some gaps

She remembered heading a winner to win a shield

But the name of the other team seems to be concealed

Suzy takes good care of her at their cottage home

Sadly Mary can no longer be left alone

It is kind of hard when Suzy is not recognized

Sometimes feeling a lifetime friendship is jeopardized

Now Suzy has a niece who is soccer crazy

She’s been kicking a ball around since she was a baby

But when Suzy looks at Mary her eyes fill with tears

Thinking of a niece with dementia in future years

Copyright: David Hopcroft August 2023