Park Bench Tales and other writings

Thoughts and writings reflecting the poet within and the activist


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The purple tablecloth drapes the barren peaks

As Fall approaches and I watch the golden disc

Fall slowly from the sky as evening comes

Slipping beneath the sea until darkness envelops all

That from the east rises again to illuminate oaken slopes

Upon the pastures where I may watch grazing grey flocks

Who wander freely now between the ancient stones

That hold the memories of a past we search to find

When feasts marked seasons with their blazing fires

Memory crushed by the sandals of marching Roman feet

First invaders of these forbidding hills

Forts of stone now lie in ruins the invader long gone

Did Rheged’s lost kingdom once stand proud

Where Merlin himself trod upon these moors

Now banks of yellow daffodils grow in peace

Oak woods rise from their carpets of blue

How the painted scenery has changed

The whistle and those white clouds of steam

Carried the multitudes towards this paradise

Where John Peel with his old grey coat and mare

Portrayed the lifestyles of different times

In Cockermouth the pen flowed free

A record of such beauty was not allowed to sleep

Copyright: David Hopcroft June 2023

Author: davidjhopcroft

Former learning centre manager at a state college in Florida now living in England and enjoying the wonderful scenery close to the Pennines and the Lake District

One thought on “Lakes

  1. So beautifully and I might say lovingly, written, David! Your admiration for this historic place, is so easily felt in your details.


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